ECHA T (ENV) screening (BETA)
Current version:
Supported Toolbox versions:
4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7
Part of ECHA PBT Profiler.
In the context of screening and priority-setting tools for PBT-assessment, the ECHA PBT screening profiler identifies substances with the potential for Persistent (P), very Persistent (vP), Bioaccumulative (B), very Bioaccumulative (vB) properties and Toxicity to aquatic organisms (T (ENV)). The results of this screening is based on single threshold values for P/vP, B/vB and T (ENV) according to Annex XIII to REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and ECHA Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment Chapter R.11: PBT/vPvB assessment (June 2017). The workflow takes into account experimental data in QSAR Toolbox databases and results provided by (Q)SAR models.
In the context of screening and priority-setting tools for PBT-assessment, the ECHA PBT screening profiler identifies substances with the potential for Persistent (P), very Persistent (vP), Bioaccumulative (B), very Bioaccumulative (vB) properties and Toxicity to aquatic organisms (T (ENV)). The results of this screening is based on single threshold values for P/vP, B/vB and T (ENV) according to Annex XIII to REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and ECHA Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment Chapter R.11: PBT/vPvB assessment (June 2017). The workflow takes into account experimental data in QSAR Toolbox databases and results provided by (Q)SAR models.
For optimal performance, make sure you have:
- QSAR Toolbox v. 4.4
- the latest VEGA addin (required separate tool)
The plug-in developer is responsible for the correct functioning of the plug-in and its results. Before being made available via the repository, the plug-ins are checked for viruses, impact on stability of the QSAR Toolbox and documentation. For suggestions on improvement or bug fixing of the plug-in, please contact its developer directly.
To download and install this plugin, please use the Repository Client* that comes with the QSAR Toolbox.
*The Repository Client is part of QSAR Toolbox 4.4
You don't need to manually download this plugin unless you need to use it on an offline computer.
*The Repository Client is part of QSAR Toolbox 4.4
You don't need to manually download this plugin unless you need to use it on an offline computer.
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